Is anybody else experiencing lag?

I've been getting a lot of lag on the site and want to know if it's something anybody else is experiencing lag as well

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yes; reddit hug of death. we're basically as optimized as can be so it's just riding out the storm at this point. we've been proud of uptime so far and the lack of errors. posts are still going through, you might just need to give them a bit and refresh

We're thankful for your not easy job!

Y'all are doing a great job! If you decide to do a "health report" of the servers after things quiet a bit I think it would be an interesting discussion and good way for the community to think about any steps that should be addressed before July 1st, especially with better information based on the usage that's occurring.

after things quiet a bit

I highly doubt things will quiet anytime soon

Hah I was thinking relative to the spike that is the blackouts and the frontpage crashing but I can see your perspective on this. Fwiw I am hoping that Beehaw can continue to build itself into a nice space for even more folks who'd like to join us all and contribute.

I figured as much, lol. You've all done an amazing job at keeping the servers going despite all the new traffic! The lag isn't too big a problem, I'm just happy it's not a problem on my end

I see there's a new Lemmy version out, but I guess you understandably don't want to take the site offline to install + test it, even though the db optimisations will be very handy. Or am I just being impatient? 😉

Oh, good. Not just me. Even got a 502 earlier.

I wonder, will there ever be a user cap in order to keep things sustainable?

Probably. I hope that people start spreading to other instances cause, as nice as it is to have so many new people, it becomes a bit bloated. And besides, everybody using just one server kinda takes the jpy out of the fediverse

Cough, and, cough

Definitely an influx of users from reddit today. Honestly I'm impressed it's holding up as well as it is atm. It's a bit slower than usual, taking 3-5 seconds to load posts, but everything is still working 👍

That's what I figured as well! I'm both glad more people are joining Lemmy but also a bit sad it's taking so long to load.. I'm sure it'll sort itself out eventually

There is a huge influx of reddit refugees who are not using the platform. This new userbase is taxing on the current infrastructure

Yeah. Using Jerboa I couldn't reach my account. Logged of and now it works fine. Tried logging in through a browser on and nothing happens.

Update: Tried again through my browser, works now :)

Yeah, my posts & replies keep giving me a longer wait time. I grew up on dial-up internet, though, so it doesn't bother me too much.

I figured that the lag was because of the migration.

Heck, I grew up before dial-up or any kind of internet. We wrote letters! And mailed 'em, and waited for postal service! 🤣

That's another service that's not as quick or stable as it used to be. l

Growing pains, I expect. I'm off to sell more plasma so Beehaw can go buy more servers or whatever 😉

Your selflessness and support are greatly appreciated. Don't stand up too fast though.

I think with Reddit being down today all those new beehaw users are actually using the instance today