Getting Azure joined desktops with multiple users working.

Hey guys,

We are struggling with our Azure joined machines used by multiple people during the day. Each time they log on to a new machine we get a helpdesk call for us to set up OneDrive / Sharepoint libraries synchronization in the client.

We know Intune can do this but Intune settings can take up to 8 hrs to propagate by which the user has already called us. This takes too long.

I've made a support call with Microsoft which has been open for a month now with what I think is a fairly straight forward question but they keep telling me they' re discussing this with their team.

Is there a scenario that sets these settings instantly that minimizes helpdesk calls? Or is this made for 1 user per device scenario's? Apart from reinstating on-prem DC's and whatnot ;)

Hope you guys can point me somewhere because Microsoft doesn't seem to..