I think it's big, others tell me it's little

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Need the rest of you for scale. Not being pervy, my wife is 5'9 but super petite, has a frame like a civic. All the fat in her body is in her F350 of an ass. So relative to the rest of her it's enormous, but relative to larger ladies it's just average.

And before anyone asks, yes I love it and yes it's fantastic.

I'm 5'1 100lbs

I don't think you can be super petite if you are 5'9",at least per the general definition of petite.

Yeah you're probably right but idk what adjective to use. She's not rail thin or anything, she's just A chested, 130ish pounds, but her hips and butt are massive.

Sounds good to me!

I'm not upset about it. 🙃

Then open the doors and let us judge for ourselves.
Personally I think those double doors closetes provide pretty good shelving solution, w/ folded Ts and jeans on the right and maybe dresses on the left

Shape and size is perfect

It's just right!

Either way, it's cute!

I'd need it planted on my face to be sure, but it looks great from here.

Regardless, still cute.

Definitely a cute little butt

I think it's ok 👍👍..

That’s way more than okay, that’s a nice fuckin ass right thar

I like petite women a little more than thicc women. Both are great though.

Why not both?

I like sexy women, they can be thicc, or they can be petite.

Can't argue that