Bye Felicia

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Not my flavor of socialism

You mean you don't like spicy socialism with a dash of authoritarianism?

you must be a dirty lib, which is the same thing as a conservative, which is basically a nazi THEREFORE you are a nazi, you’ve come full circle

really wasn’t sure if I should’ve included the /s or not lol, I plead innocent your honor

The court accepts your plee, you are free to go. Please see the bailiff for your complimentary upvote.

If you have to think about it many others won’t. Remember the rule no /s you’re a fool.

I on the other hand like to role the dice, it goes about 50/50

With none of the socialism (there is no safety net, get back to the asbestos factory until your lungs decay from cancer!)

Preface: Fuck Nazis. Punch stab it and throw em in the sacrifice volcano.

Now that it's understood where I'm coming from, the Nazi regime actually did go for things like national healthcare. My understanding was that this was viewed as the easiest way to ensure the health of what they viewed as the ubermensch. Meat little history today it for you about the absolute worst group of people in history.

The sweet comforting embrace of death is the only social net you need! Slumber well, spent citizen, knowing you contributed to your society.

national socialism? Yuck!

I could go for some of that Scandinavian democratic socialism though. Tax the rich and pay for social services that create smooth roads and fewer people looting drug stores to buy fentanyl.

This comment section is full of morons. Socialism is when workers own and operate the means of production democratically. Read a book

This is a Nazi joke, the Nazi Party(while not actually being socialist in any way) was short for the National Socialist German Workers Party. And again as we all know the Nazis not only weren’t socialist but actually murdered people that were, they just co-opted the name, they were fascist authoritarians. Other countries that weren’t/arent actually socialist or communist but rather authoritarian state capitalist are the USSR and the PRC. Lemmygrad’s grade of “socialism” is from what I’ve seen, straight up authoritarian like those two “communist” countries, thus the OP is saying they are in support of the national socialism otherwise known as nazism

Yes that is what OP is doing, because he & you don’t know your asses from your elbows about communism or Lemmygrad, as evidenced by your equating them with Nazism, which they are explicitly, full-throatedly against.

National socialism comes with a salute and a dash of authoritarianism. But you knew that, right?

Many obviously don't know that "nazi" is an abbreviation.

Everybody will run logical circles around everything for days on days to defend their sus bullshit..... until you mention socialism then all of a sudden there's no way anythings ever been maliciously Co opted in the history of ever!

Yes, that's socialism but the post is talking about another kind of socialism, of the nation kind if you know what I mean

I think you meant Social Democracy. What lemmygrad tankies are interested in is xenophobic, authoritarian, send-people-to-gulag Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

Being proponents of socialism is not what makes Lemmygrad problematic. If that were the reason world defederated from them then I would actually be upset with the decision.

Can you elaborate? I don't know what this is in reference to.

Which part? I’m just saying their being proponents of Socialism isn’t a problem. The post is saying that’s why we defederated from them, which it isn’t. It was the way people behaved on that instance (and outside it), the way communities operated, that led to the decision.

There's a big difference between socialism and national socialism, one comes with a salute, authoritarianism, and bigotry.

Half of the comments here think the point of the meme is that communists are right-wing, and half thinks the point is that Nazis are left-wing.

These are the types of political memes I like to see.

I aim for quality, I appreciate that you appreciate.

Thanks mum.

you know that national socialism has nothing to do with tankies, right?

or do I understand something wrong?

They aren't real tankies, they're neo-Nazis getting dressed up in drag to play leftists.

Social consciousness takes time to catch up, so we still call these ones tankies.

The people calling Lemmygrad National Socialist/Nazi/etc sound pretty ridiculous considering how those people are explicitly banned, and I’ve seen how quickly they get kicked off the site:

Rule 5. No right-deviationists (patsocs, nazbols, strasserists, duginists, etc)

Everyone trying to make the lazy "every socialist is a Hitler abiding nazi" argument

But when a fellow community moderator on was literally espousing Hitler "final solution" rhetoric and I politely asked admin to remove him from mod or let me know if he won't so I can leave the community - I was banned within two minutes.

Explains why the hordes are here calling anything left of Biden literally Hitler, every accusation is a confession.

Lemmy will have the same fate as Reddit.
Nostr on the other hand solves the neckbeard mod censorship problem.

Don't free speech instances also completely solve this 'problem'?

“National Socialism” is Nazi, that has nothing to do at all with socialism.

The imperial core has their panties in a bunch again it seems

So....what? Was it the socialism or their manner? I'm for a certain amount of socialism, but I don't know enough about these guys. Who'd they irritate? Were they just generally irritating?

Ah.....probably should have done my due diligence and followed the thread....

Not enough people (including you) don't know that "Nazi" is an abbreviation for "national socialist".

This meme is about telling Nazis we're not interested in their BS.

Lemmygrad isn't full of natsocs though? They'd get banned on sight no warning. Where the hell is this coming from?

Maybe you don't like them but this is just complete slander.

.world finally woke up and smelled the coffee, huh?

I don’t understand, is this supposed to say that grad is nazis? They’re very explicit about not allowing nazis and adjacent stuff.

If anyone’s hoping that this lemmy.ML community will defederate from lemmygrad.ML anytime soon, then you obviously don’t understand where the fuck you even are.

Welcome to Democracy.