Let's walk through the uncanny valley with SBF so we can collapse some wave functions together

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Molly White (@molly0xfff@hachyderm.io)


Attached: 2 images I finally got hold of the government exhibit that SBF's lawyers worried prosecutors were using just to "show that he’s some sort of crazy person" https://mollywhite.net/storage/sbf-trial/GX-39A.pdf #FTX #SBF #crypto #cryptocurrency

Molly White (@molly0xfff@hachyderm.io)

Rationalist check-list:

  1. Incorrect use of analogy? Check.
  2. Pseudoscientific nonsense used to make your point seem more profound? Check.
  3. Tortured use of probability estimates? Check.
  4. Over-long description of a point that could just have easily been made in 1 sentence? Check.

This email by SBF is basically one big malapropism.