I thought my mom sent me this pic because the numbers are oddly satisfying. Then I saw it..

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There are indeed some titties present in that picture.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed

I kinda hope it's not really OPs mom, because the framing of that pic is so perfect I don't see how it could be accidental.

It wasnt accidental...

Does your "mom" often send you images of titties?


Yay oddlysatisfiyng is on lemmy !! Wooot eooot

In your face spez !!

The big bonus ……no ads

No GAFTA here

Dude, strip the ?=si of the end of your link and edit your post if you care about your privacy. It stands for source identifier and it is a tracker for Google to be able to connect your social media accounts.

https://youtu.be/c__HIbeEbLw will get you to the same place, without linking your YouTube ID to your Kbin ID.

I honestly had no idea. Thanks!

Is this the new googly eyes trend?

Don't forget to pay inside.

Creepy if true