Does mountain dew taste better than black tea? Yes. Does it also cost 30 times as much to get the caffeine fix? Yes.

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Sorry, mountain dew tastes better than tea?

What garbage store brand floor scrapings sorry ass tea have you tried.

Okay okay you caught me.

I don't drink mountain dew, or black tea. I do drink some herbal tea though. Caffeine makes me sick overall.

I had this meme stuck in my head, then just brain stormed what title would get me the funniest comments.

So far saying mountain dew tastes better than tea has gotten some banger responses like this one, so all is going according to plan!

Sometimes the best memes are made by those who are furthest away from the subject matter. I'm over here with the 9¢ green tea bags from Wegman's though.

The meme is about 4¢ tea bags. That's certainly not going to taste the best.

mountain dew tastes better than tea?

Most people wouldn't call Mountain Dew an "energy drink" but a caffeinated soda.

Energy drinks have more caffeine than a fountain drink, at least 100mg, and often have the words Energy Drink somewhere on the can.

Excuse me? Mountain dew (any Energy Drink for that matter) tastes horrible.

Tea all the way!

You stayed loyal to tradition and are reaping the finical benefits for it!

How dare you speak the truth! 🧐☕

Hard agree, even basic Twinings tea tastes good (I have some Earl Green and Darjeeling right next to me)

Mountain dew tastes like rat piss

What's wrong with your rats?

More like what's right with them.


Piss from rats that carry the plague, since it tastes like death too.

Just pee in your green tea and add a cup of sugar per cup of pee tea.

It will look like mountain dew and get you sweating like mountain dew and taste like SHIT!

Who let Bear Grylls in here?

Urine: the taste of the great outdoors!

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You can't beat a well boiled cup of quality (loose) tea! Fuck the Dew!


Whenever I really have to pee I say "why did I drink all that crab juice!" out loud and no one knows what the hell I'm talking about.

Permanently Deleted

My cup is only a deciliter in size. Now there's tea all over the place!

Excuse me sir that's just bollock, dried leaves water is clearly superior.

You stayed loyal and are richer for it.

Loyalty pays (or saves).

Bean versus leaf, if only we could live together in harmony

only with milk though.

If you are drinking tea for the caffeine content it's best to steep the bag for as long as possible, iirc it takes about 15 minutes for ~95% of the caffeine to extract. One teabag usually has 60-80mg of caffeine so equivalent to one cup of instant coffee.

It's also gonna be super bitter at this point.

That's why you load it with a half cup of sugar.

Or just slam it like you're doing a Jager Bomb

That's an energy drink for cheapskates then.

Add milk until the colour of He-man

You can always coldbrew it

Tiny bit of lemon fixes that pretty well.

Will try next time I forget that my tea is still brewing ;)

Instead of caffeine I sleep for 7 hours

What's sleep?

Sleep is the condition where you lose consciousness for a few hours, allegedly allowing your body and mind to rest. They say you then 'wake up refreshed.' Yeah, I know. These peasants will never stop finding excuses to avoid work.

Who asked you, ChatGPT?

Do i shit gold? Who the fuck buys tea in bags?

You pay at least 10x as much and produce a ton of waste in the process...

It really depends where you live, if all tea is imported bags are usually cheaper. 250g of budget loose leaf in Australia is $4 which is affordable and cheap, but you could also get a 100 pack of tea bags (approx 200g) for $2.50. So it's technically cheaper to buy bags. But only slightly, and the quality difference does mean it's often worth spending more for loose leaf.

Yeah probably. It seems Germany is a coffee nation. Drinking tea at work im the odd one out. Most supermarkets only sell packets of the most popular brand of 20 or if your lucky 50. Loose tea from a tea shop is weirdly enough usually cheaper (per weight)...

People in the US. I'd rather loose leaf but it's either not the flavor I want or it's more expensive than bags. Doesn't help that it's less common than bags either. And I'm just looking for some regular black tea. Nothing fancy.

From cheap to very expensive and everything in-between. Big resealable bags to get the per cup price down. Having a couple small canisters you can refill from the bags makes it so you don't open the big bags too often, if you did it every day it would probably get stale.

A very generous reward program that basically gets you 10% back.

And they always give me a few samples with each order. I've been turned on to some new stuff that way.

I usually get a few big bags of my staples (which are medium price) and some smaller weights of nicer stuff for when I want a really good pot.

I get bags for under 0.04$ a cup and the cheapest I see on there is $0.15 a cup. I really doubt the quality is the same but this is the kind of price problem I'm talking about.

Lol I have only one thing of loose tea and it's been sitting in my cupboard for years. I have boxes and boxes of a variety of tea bags... tea isn't expensive.

That's interessting and kinda makes sense. The tea in tea bags is usually the lowest quality and should be cheaper. But in german supermarkets the teabags cost way more than loose tea and are even more expensive than tea from a tea shop. Might just be because most only sell expensive brands and don't have no name bags tho

Agreed. Get a proper tea pot or pod and buy loose leaf tea.

The one first things i was gifted when i moved out was a propper tea pot. I don't know what i'd do without it :D

Adiago's IngenuiTEA is amazing for making loose leaf tea stupidly easy. I was gifted a few and I use at least one daily.

I'm sure someone's made a decent copycat design if you have some aversion to the brand, though I dunno why you would.

I don't drink enough, or am I considerate enough to jog out for a bag of raw tea. That, and locally where i am, loose leaf tea costs a premium, and harder to find.

After seeing this about the waste, I've been thinking there was no real downside to tea bags aside from the production and waste value of packaging. Like is the tea biodegradable? The bag and string itself? Kinda always struck me as "environmentally" safe to dispose of.

Not like a cigarette butts, or old school styrofoam and pantyhose that gets tossed and isn't going to go away and makes matters worse in a lot of cases. Already kinda understood those. Teabags, kinda under my radar i guess?

There are brands that make biodegradeable bags.

Caffeine pills are faster and also dirt cheap.

Mountain Dew isn't only the worst caffeine fix.

Mountain Dew is the worst soda in general.

I think Mountain Dew is the best soda.

Allow me to introduce you to Jolt soda. They make/made(?) cola, and a Mt Dew clone, but with something like 3-5 times the caffeine. That shits disgusting.

[off topic] Chocolate covered espresso beans. Expensive as platinum but worth it. Check out high end candy shops and gourmet stores.

Are a really easy way to accidentally give yourself heart palpitations and be awake for the next 36 hours?

Seriously those things are really good and before you know it the packet is empty and you are afraid for your life.

Who doesn't want a candy that can accidentally kill you?

Someone is gonna dip Carolina Reapers in chocolate and sell them.....

The ordinary chain grocery store has them here.

I've seen them in various places. Sometimes coffee shops have them.

couldn't you just make that by adding chocolate powder to regular coffee beans?

No. It's like a peanut M&M except you have a candy shell around an espresso bean. You eat them like candy. Also, if you want to make hot chocolate with a shot of espresso, make them separately and then mix. Don't try to cook them together.

Meanwhile my ADHD brain: "Is that caffeine? Welp, time to hit the bed"

Ahh, is that why I don't have a caffeine addiction? Hadn't put that together till now.

I cannot stress enough how Disgusting mountain dew is

Does mountain dew taste better than black tea? Yes.

my brother in christ what

Okay okay you caught me.

I don't drink mountain dew, or black tea. I do drink some herbal tea though. Caffeine makes me sick overall.

I had this meme stuck in my head, then just brain stormed what title would get me the funniest comments.

So far saying mountain dew tastes better than tea has gotten some banger responses like this one, so all is going according to plan!

Caffeine pills exist

If you’re really hard up for caffeine, purchase pure caffeine powder. $20 is enough to satiate an average person for a year, or to overdose daily for a month.

Looking at the math it honesty looks like cheap black tea and cheap caffeine powder are about the same cost. Can get 400 tea packets for 15ish bucks, or a year supply for 15$.

Tea just is secret top tier.

Please for the love of god be careful if you do this, buy some quality scales that can measure mg to a fair degree of accuracy or stick to quantified amounts you can purchase.

A friend of mine used pure caffeine powder in his protein supplements and ended up overdosing one night, it's a horrendous way to die.

I consider the privilege of choice in taste of one's preferred stimulant to be one of the few small joys to late stage capitalism.

What if one doesn't have a preferred stimulant?

At least I'm not a caffeine zombie like the rest of you. My housemates love it though, cause I'm up first and despite hating coffee, I am told I make a good pot of coffee, so they can stumble into the kitchen and get a fresh cup about a half hour after I wake up.