[@support](https://lemmy.world/c/support) Hi. Spinning circle problem here. I've created an account an hour ago. It's available under [https://lemmy.world/u/kosmoski](https://lemmy.world/u/kosmoski) h

@support Hi. Spinning circle problem here. I've created an account an hour ago. It's available under https://lemmy.world/u/kosmoski however no verification email delivered and can't log in. Coud you assist?

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Yeah it will spin until your email is verified. They need a link to resend the verification email.

This. Please check your email

The only way I have been able to log in is via PW reset. If I log out and attempt to log back in my login just spins. Not sure what is causing this.

Just to update my issue. It seems that I may have not verified my email quick enough. So what I did was reset my password with "forgot password", set the new PW, it will auto log you in and then you can change your email under "settings" to trigger another verify email to be sent. I'm all good now.

Password reset did the job. Thanks