I think I laundered a stick of beef jerky.

I was out helping a friend look for a lost dog all day on saturday, and so I bought a stick of beef jerky from the corner store in case I needed it to lure the dog, and stuck it in my pocket. I don't normally keep much in pockets, usually just my phone. I did not check my pockets before doing laundry.

But what really gets me is — now I can't find the beef jerky! It's not in there! I checked the pockets of every single pair of skirtpants I had in the wash. I have no idea what could possibly have happened to it because I have zero memory of taking it out and putting it somewhere. So now the question is: WTF happened to the jerky?? Is it hiding somewhere in my house?? Maybe I'll find out in like 6 months.

(btw, we found the dog!! I wasn't the one to find her but some strangers managed to get her into a fenced in basketball court and put it on the local facebook forum thing, and another friend was scouring the internet resources. Doggo is safely back at home, only gone for a few hours. We're all very relieved. Plus I got to bike around in the rain all day in unfamiliar parts of the neighborhood which was genuinely really great)