Great fun: Csocsó's *Tricycle*. Quitze some electronic musical characters here, rarely synced in obvious ways, in 13 parts. The album comes across as absurd as it is elegant, complexity and depth, ner

Great fun: Csocsó's Tricycle. Quitze some electronic musical characters here, rarely synced in obvious ways, in 13 parts. The album comes across as absurd as it is elegant, complexity and depth, nerdiness and simplicity, while the mnaker remains in a half-secret space. Very lecker.

<img alt="Csocsó" src="" height="32" width="32" />Csocsó wrote the following post Sun, 01 Oct 2023 18:06:42 +0200

Csocsó - Tricycle

a batch of recent patches ~ #micromodular #evolver #electronicmusic @synths

(Well suited for my "absurd dinner party" listening needs, and i am not saying it to disgrace this.)

#extramusic @radicalmusic group @contemporaryMusic group