[DISCUSSION] - The U.S. Government’s Database of Immigrant DNA Has Hit Scary, Astronomical Proportions

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The U.S. Government’s Database of Immigrant DNA Has Hit Scary, Astronomical Proportions


The FBI recently released its proposed budget for 2024, and its request for a massive increase in funding for its DNA database should concern us all. The FBI is asking for an additional $53 million in funding to aid in the collection, organization, and maintenance of its Combined DNA Index System (...

The U.S. Government’s Database of Immigrant DNA Has Hit Scary, Astronomical Proportions

The collection of DNA and other biometric idendity data can lead to a scary reach of surveillance.

What are the laws in other (your) countries regarding this? In 2008 the EU court of human rights already mentioned concerns regarding laws:

A summary of the current global situation and issues for debate highlights: (1) a growing global consensus on the need for legislative provisions for the destruction of biological samples and deletion of innocent people’s DNA profiles, following the European Court of Human Rights’ judgement on this issue in 2008; (2) emerging best practice on scientific standards and standards for the use of DNA in court which are necessary to prevent miscarriages of justice; (3) ongoing debate regarding the appropriate safeguards for DNA collection from suspects; restrictions on access, use and data sharing across borders; and data protection standards. Conclusion: There is an ongoing need for greater public and policy d

Source: Forensic DNA databases–Ethical and legal standards: A global review