[Bug] Swipe left to go forward doesn’t work

I was so excited to try this but it’s just showing a dark screen when you swipe forward. Everything else working beautifully though as far as I can tell.


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Thanks everyone, seems to be an iOS 17 issue. Will fix!

Scrolling is very choppy on iOS 17 as well!!

Seems like iOS 17 broke a lot of scroll-related functionality in SwiftUI :(

Working on sorting it out!

Just got the new update. Working well so far! Thank you so much!!

I have the same behavior on iOS 17.0 and iPhone 13 Pro.

Same issue, I recorded a video but I’m new to test flight and don’t know how to send it. I have an iPhone 11 and iOS 17. I can send the video if you want

Which device and iOS version are you using?

Same for me. iPhone 14 Pro, iOS 17.0.1.

Not OP, but same issue.

iPhone 12 and iOS 17.0

iPhone 15 Pro Max. iOS 17.0.2.

Same issue as OP (although using light theme which is probably why my screen is just all white after swipe to go forward).

iPhone 14 Pro iOS 17.0.1

I can still swipe forward with no issue. iOS 16.6.1 on iPhone 14 Pro