Looking to buy my first DIY 500 series module, could use some help with choosing a soldering iron/kit

Hey all, like the title says, I'm looking to get into assembling vintage 500 series modules and I'm a bit overwhelmed in deciding on a soldering iron. I was checking out something like this but not really sure if it's total junk or not. Thanks everybody!

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It seems like a bit overkill to me... but, hey, I have simpler tastes I guess.

You could probably get a hot air rework station with a regular soldering iron for the same price (or a bit more). Seems like a wiser investment IMO.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will check it out!

NP 👍.

Highly recommend a Hakko. Ive been through so many irons and this is the first that I love.

Hakko FX888D,T18-B,BL,I,D24,D32,C05,S7,599-029 Soldering Station with T18-B/BL/I/D24/D32/C05/S7/599-029 https://a.co/d/bOgzcqM