Artie. 17 years old and still going strong.

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Amazing kitty kitty!

Aww Artie is so pretty! My baby turned 17 this summer, too, and still spry

I miss my tortie so much. Had her for 23 year. Best cat ever.

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::: CW: talk of suicide An old roommate brought her home as a kitten, but she decided that I was her human. She would hide most of the day, but would come out to follow me around when I got home. I was basically told I was taking her with me when I moved out.

Fast forward a few years. I was depressed, lonely, and drunk most of the time. Had suicidal thoughts, butnthe thing that stopped my every time was wondering who would take care of my cat. I'm doing a lot better these days, and Artie is now the most pampered cat in the world for helping get me through it. :::

Hell yeah Artie, and here's to 17 more!