Maybe still a child

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Woa, give the guy a break. He said he got zero experience.

Yeah, I don't mean to to call him a retard. But if you're going to repost a meme you found at least crop it ffs. It's like the bare minimum effort. Hell, OP could still crop the image right now and then edit the post. Lemmy lets you edit the tittle and the image itself.

Yeah. Well he should have learned while he was a fetus 😤

Not even cropping skills :(

There's nothing stopping you from lying on your resume. Just make sure you have the general knowledge of the field, i.e. don't apply to a programming job if you don't know how to write code

Permanently Deleted

Lying isn't illegal. Being homeless is.

Permanently Deleted

Eh, at some point it's worth the risk. At the end of the day 9/10 might figure out you've been lying, but the 1/10 that doesn't and gives you higher pay is still worth the embarrassment.

Especially if it's your first employment. Everybody wants people with prior experience, but you gotta start somewhere. Once you've got experience, then you can probably stop lying.

Last time I saw a crop this bad a million Irish people died.

Mfer looks like 35

Just put that you were Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006.

Better than being Person of the Year 1939

Me applying for the open position at the Hyundei manufacturing plant

Maybe learning how to spell the name of the company you are applying to helps a little 🤷

Oldie but Goldie!