Do you think Atlus will ever release a retro collection for modern consoles?

So many game studios / publishers have put out collections of their classic titles. with the recent ports of SMTIII and Persona III-V does it seem like something they might be up for?

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i wouldn't count on it

while one might think persona is a hot ticket, atlus is well aware that the kind of audience they have now cultivated has no interest in playing persona 1 and 2

I really wish, but Persona and Nocturne were probably exceptions because they knew they were popular and would sell not only to older fans.

...but I thought the same about the Etrian Odyssey collection, and apparently that's selling really well. Sure, they were remasters and not just ports, but, the appeal for less popular games is there.

going to be the first one to say learn to emulate

I've been playing MegaTen games since fan-translated ROMs were the only option most of the time. I still prefer the console experience.

emulate them on a modded console

I sure hope so! But no idea how likely that would be...

yea nah

i wouldn't count on it happening any time soon. they're too price-gouge-y to put something like that out

Unlikely. They'd release them one by one