Hot dog fried rice

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I'm sure Uncle Roger would approve. The spring onions are being used as garnish! Also it looks like they're using a proper wok! They're a wok fuckboi like Uncle Gordon!

Seriously though, it looks great. Nothing wrong with throwing hot dog into fried rice. Fried rice is basically a fancy way to eat up leftovers anyway! It sounds like something you could get in a Hong Kong diner/Cha Chaan Teng

Plus spam fried rice is a pretty popular thing, I'm sure hot dogs are similar.

I've been rocking Spam fried rice for years now. Excellent protein choice. Pan fry the spam brown first

Uncle Roger disapproves in his video reviewing William Osman who uses hot dogs.

I bet appearance is a 4, but taste is an 11/10

Yes, tastes way better than it looks!

Personal preference is spam fried rice but I'd eat the fuck out of that

Thank you! Spam fried rice is pretty amazing, too!

My family was Air Force, and when I was a young kid we were stationed on Clark base in the Philippines. Hot dog fried rice is one of my best memories. Our maid, Nita, would make it for my brother and I and I love it to this day. I need to whip me up a batch, now!

Wow, such a nice childhood memory!

Nice! I grew up with this!

Looks very similar to arroz chaufa from Peru!

Peruvian food is amazing!

I'll have to look it up!

Any tips on cooking this? I assume the hot dog bits cook pretty fast? And I assume they give a lot of flavor, are there any seasonings I should ease up on to let the hot dog shine?

I'd be careful with the salt, since the hot dogs are already somewhat salty. Otherwise, go nuts! I find the hot dog flavor to be pretty strong, so I tend to add in strong flavors (e.g. Sichuan peppercorn, kimchi) that can stand up to it. I like to cook the hot dogs in the oil first to draw out the fat and flavors of the hot dogs so that in turn can coat the rice and other ingredients.

I would have gone with bacon personally (if budget permits)

Bacon's great. Have you had bacon kimchi fries rice? Amazing.

Nope. If you have, do post an image of it. Sounds interesting.

I strangely don't have any pictures of it. I'll post it up next time I make it.

What kind of hotdog? Are we talking Oscar Mayer weiner or something a bit more fancy like a bratwurst, chorizo, kransky, lap chong?

Nathan's, because that's what I had on hand. Equally good with any that you mentioned, though. Especially lap chong 🤤

Aren’t those “fancy” ones all sausages?

Yeah but you know that have a better reputation

Ruined by the hotdog.
