Lemmy's daily user activity skyrockets with a 1200% surge so far this month!

From 3000 daily users to 41000 active daily users!

Source: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats&days=30

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This is a better metric than registered users. I'm enjoying this early stage of lemmy where everyone seems eager to use the platform. It's giving the same vibes as the old forums I used to participate in the early days of the internet. We just need more content creators and we are set!

The comment sections have been pretty engaging in the communities that are getting established quickly, but I can't wait for more people to start posting. I have a community for SpacePorn and it's just me posting things and almost 100 people watching with the very rare occasional comment popping up. It's a little frustrating feeling like I have to keep entertaining everyone, when I just want others to join in 😅.

I’m in a similar situation in !ultralight@lemmy.world. Getting people engaged is a bit like getting people to dance at a party, many people want to but someone has to break the ice… things I’ve tried is pinning a post asking people to stop by and say hi, also comment on each post so there’s something to latch onto, people won’t click in with 0 comments. You can also try a joke post to break the ice, in the case of SpacePorn you could combine a picture of a galaxy and a swimsuit model and say “Am I doing this right?!?” or something; it’s stupid but hopefully it makes someone laugh.

Made the !half_life community yesterday and it does feel like this. The only other post is a post my friend made so I could promote him to moderator. I don't have much experience so I'm not sure I'm able to fully understand your situation though.

I’ve got a piece of glass (fused silica, actually) that’s flown on multiple shuttle missions. Does that count?

* To be clear it’s a piece of glass from a 1” thick experiment window that failed it’s flaw growth recertification test (mostly due to human error) after being used several times. It was the biggest piece left after the explosion. 😁

yep! I'm not much of a conversation starter but love diving into comments, let's hope it keeps growing

Same. I‘m missing a lot of niche hobby subs (duh) over here which I’m mainly active on, and that‘s about it, honestly. Design and performance could be a lot better too. I‘ll stick around and see where it goes.

Just tell me where to post photos of a Whippet in a hat and I'm there. 👍

Woot woot!

I’ve been commenting here more than I did on Reddit where I lurked accountless on old.reddit, let’s hope the trend continues.

Same. I feel like what I say here is actually heard.

Exactly. This right here is a microcosm of that. I discussed poetry with someone last night. I haven’t discussed that in years! It’s nice here.

Ps, I just saw how many posts you’ve created and wanted to thank you for all the effort you are putting in here. I spend a ton of time surfing, and appreciate all the work that the technical people are doing to allow us to have a new home.

@SoPunny@lemmy.world, thanks so much! I used to lurk on reddit, but now I'm trying to do a little bit to help this site and lemmy grow. I see you're contributing as well.

Trying too. I think a free social media place to exchange ideas is incredibly important for democracy etc all that stuff.

You can say that :D

Exactly! :)

You happy with this stat, @ulu_mulu@lemmy.world?

Haha :D

Thanks for listening :)

Happy to please!

I'm happy too. Thanks for asking 🙄

The power of collaboration

Best of stats!

In YOUR opinion.

(look at their username)

To the moon!

I didn't think I would get on with Lemmy but it's actually really good!

Welcome! Thoughts so far?

Much better statistic than total users due to all the spam bots recently created.

Yeah I think so too, at least until the bots activate.

Begun, the clone wars have

What is the evidence that they are bots and not people who just lurk?

50 thousand registered users all at once on an instance with no posts and no activity. Lurkers usually don't need to make accounts. It's very suspicious.

There are servers with 6-7 thousands accounts all created almost at the same time and no user activity at all.

Did lurkers decide to select some servers to be "lurking-only" servers? Hardly.

This website recommends a random server for people to join: https://join-lemmy.org/instances. Could that be the reason?

Random servers are not always the same, recommendations change in time based on servers activity.

Lurkers don't organize themselves to all go to the same servers.



This kind of growth is absolutely insane.

Reddit refugee here.

Looking forward to seeing how this goes

As long as a good amount of us refugees contribute to help make this a vibrant and interesting community by sharing thoughts and interests, this should go pretty well. I’m loving it so far. Cheers!

Already dropped 10 or so comments :)

Make that 11!

Made a community :)

Sweet! What community?

I hopped over recently. Very happy to be here.

Next part of the Fediverse I'd like to see grow like that is PeerTube, so we can flip the Red Site a (few thaousands of) middle finger.

I think that is more complicated, as the channels need to generate revenue. Additionally, videos take up much more storage, and there is no option to select an instance like Lemmy. I only see options to selfhost.

I'm not sure what you mean about no option to select an instance. Here is an example instance with open signups: https://libre.video. You can find more here: https://the-federation.info/platform/29

Youtubers could gradually switch to PeerTube by uploading videos to both sites for now. They would make money the same way they do currently - through sponsorships and donations. I'm sure many of them can afford to host their own instance. It would actually benefit them, because if YouTube suddenly bans them for some reason, they would have an alternative that their fans would know about.

You can even subscribe to a PeerTube channel from Mastodon and get a toot when a video is posted. Like I just did with @arthurpizza channel ;-)


Thanks for the correction!

Finally, a useful stats as total user count skewed by bot spam.
Speaking of bots, they are still inactive aren't they?

For the most part they seem to be. There's an instance with like 50k "users" but only 10 active, which tells me the bots are registering but most aren't being used yet.

It is a bit unnerving to have bots to human ratio that high on the network. I hope they will never activated and many compromized servers get cleaned before something bad happens.

Even if they do activate. Can't we just defederate that entire instance. From what I have seen. Most of the bots are on instances with like 10 posts. We should just defederate all of those instances in which the user count is exponentially higher than the user activity.

Lets trust our admins. I heard dbzer0 admin has that kind of script running.


What are they up to out there...

We did it Lemmy!

Gotta get used to saying that.

On the first I expect a huge jump.

Yeah, I'd imagine so. I'm only briefly checking reddit now, and that's only through Relay. The second that becomes unavailable, I am officially done.

Everytime I look, that sharp rise on the right keeps getting taller.

With the Sync dev announcing a version for lemmy, it might actually bring in a flood of new (real) users even before July 1.

That's what brought me in. Used sync for Reddit, wanna be familiar with how this works for when I use sync for lemmy

While Relay was my preferred app, Sync was definitely another beautiful option. And likely the app I'll hop to as soon as it becomes available.

we goin' vertical fam

I wonder how many of those are active users vs spam / bots

I’ve only seen one or two spam bots so i can’t imagine it’s alot.

Ironically, you've double posted this comment.

He's one of them! Get him!

No, please! I’m not a bot!

This is something a bot would say....

fast Please tell me where waldo is ! :)

Waldo He’s there. And it only took me 4 hours to respond!

wow maybe iam the bot wtf i thought another dude here is waldo because i couldnt find him

As an AI language model, I can't imagine at all.

Can't you just pretend?

Don’t we all?

I’ve only seen one or two spam bots so i can’t imagine it’s alot.

That's kinda the thing? I don't see any spam or botting... Unless AI is doing all of it? Maybe spammers are setting up servers to Federate then getting de-Federated when they initiate their BS.

I'm glad we're taking off. The sooner we can shift our communities over to the fediverse, the better.

Yes yeees, amazing, keep making your users hate you reddit, hehehehe


I don't post much other than memes but I comment lots and try to upvote quality posts. Reddit is dead to me, I spend too much of my time on social medias anyways.

Welcome to your new addiction.

@Cybermass @MicroWave My rule of thumb for all social media is:

How much of my life am I spending watching others live theirs?

It's a unique 'tipping point' for each person, but once reached it's time to log off and pursue other endeavors.

thats actually a smart way to see it.

Hopefully not majority bots

I tend to sort by new and all, and it seems like the majority is bots copying posts over from reddit, they have original link to the post on Reddit but there is the bot disclaimer on a lot of posts recently. Maybe it will die down a little once these bots move all the data from reddit to lemmy

These are not, bots are mostly dormant currently.

That's what I was hoping/assuming, but it does worry me at the same time.

Oh I'm worried too about bots, I hope devs and admins soon find a way to deal with it.

Same here! Hopefully enough come/stay to get a nice community going

If you take a look on fedidb.org, there's a TON of instances with ~30,000 users but 1 active user. I checked one and the admin had commented that he had email verification off but manual approval on and wasn't getting anyone registering, so he turned manual approval off too. Welp.

Go to this website and scroll to "All lemmy nodes". That table lists all the real instances at the top. https://the-federation.info/platform/73