Trump, Under Oath, Says He Averted ‘Nuclear Holocaust’

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Trump, Under Oath, Says He Averted ‘Nuclear Holocaust’

During a deposition in his civil case, the former president offered a series of defenses, digressions and meandering explanations of his political and professional dealings.

Trump, Under Oath, Says He Averted ‘Nuclear Holocaust’
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”I think you would have nuclear holocaust, if I didn’t deal with North Korea,” he explained, and then added: “And I think you might have a nuclear war now, if you want to know the truth.”

It is still worth remembering that Obama tried to work with North Korea, but the Republicans shamed him because they said he should only meet with them if they agreed to get rid of their nukes.

Trump did nothing to protect the world from North Korea, but gave Kim Jong-Un a nice photo op to help legitimize his power.

And saluted north Korean generals

Well have we tried becoming North Korea? That would definitely avoid North Korea from launching jukes at us. /s

Do you know how to tell when politicians are being hypocritical? When they open thier mouth. You could do literally nothing but point out hypocrisys of poloticians all day for your entire adult life and never run out. It is the equivalent of saying "bruh".

The both-sides-narrative only helps the far-right.

(serious) could you expound on what you mean by this?

The far right is seriously outnumbered. Encouraging people to apathy helps them, because most people who get involved are their enemies.

Personally, I think both sides have their issues, but the issues the right has are waaaay worse than the issues the left has.

So just saying “both sides have issues” makes it a binary argument when the degrees of how negative their issues are really matters.

Two possibilities:

  1. Apathy - people stop voting for parties that can be a counterweight to the far right.

  2. Abbreviated analysis/Feelings over facts - people are more likely to fall for politicians presenting themselves as underdogs who are going to revolutionise the political landscape, which is a strategy fascists like to use. "Drain the swamp" is a perfect example for that, and if I remember correctly, there were a lot of potential Sanders supporters who voted for Trump. I know both are more or less opposites, but both provided a canvas for people's feelings that "politicians are all the same" and that fundamental change needs to happen. The latter is true, but with proper analysis shouldn't lead to voting for the far right.

It encourages people to look at left and right politics on an equal scale, when in reality politics is anything but equal. To demonstrate this, all you have to do is look at the talking points of both sides.

The issues with talking points of the left tend to be constructive in nature but misguided at worst. Like affirmative action. There's a legitimate argument that giving people a leg up based on race is not fair. But the act of doing it isn't really hurting anyone at the end of the day, and was ultimately designed to help people who are less likely to receive conventional help.

Now let's compare that to the talking points of the right, which tend to be destructive in nature and at worst fuels the vilification of people who the right deems undesirable. Like the movement that's gaining traction in red states of banning drag. Those are laws designed to give homophobes a reason to discriminate against queer folk under the guise of "protecting the children from sexuality", which is an argument that quickly devolves to "well you just like enabling child predators!" any time it's faced with an ounce of scrutiny, such as why those laws don't apply to otherwise straight performers.

There are very few leftist policies that focus on vilifying whole classes of people, and likewise there are very few right wing policies that focus on helping people. Comparing them by saying a variation of "both sides" is apples to oranges at best. At worst, you're helping paint the picture that leftists are just as bad, which is not even close to true.


Time for your meds

Don't see why this is down voted so much. People spend way too much time focusing on hypocrisy. It's freaking boring and it sways absolutely no one's opinion

Because the political parties andvthe media want them to focus on how the other side is bad. For tge poloticians it means they don't have to do much good. For the media it sells. And by the vote differences you can tell how few people realky get that. But in all honesty, it is human nature to have such a tribe mentality.

Thank god he negotiated a peace deal with the hurricane at the last minute.

Why do you think Idalia ravaged Florida? It's because Trump wasn't president with his magic sharpie... Obviously.

I averted bank robbery….by not robbing the bank.

you have my vote!

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And America thanks you

Hes not wrong. We almost did have nuclear war.

Because of his stupidity and assholery toward North Korea.

He succesful prevented nuclear holocaust by being voted out before he could make everything even worse

There are some things you read online that i just can't get out of my brain. One of those things was a random comment when trump came back from north korea, that said something like: after all these years under obama, i van finally rest easy, i can finally sleep at night, now that my family is save and we are not under constant nuclear threat anymore.

I get that people are paranoid and scared, and they hide at home with a gun under their pillow. But how the fuck does this thought crosses anyone's mind? From the guy who can barely say nuclear.

How does that thought cross their mind?

Because black man scary, that's why.

That wasn't even close to a nuclear war. The real threat was nuking the hurricanes. Just imagine what could have happened if Atlantis retaliated. /s

…Florida sinks into the sea? I’m good with that.

Give it a couple more years. Climate change is going to make each and every hurricane that hits Florida a Cat 5. Hell, the water might even get so hot they will invent a new Cat 6!

I rememeber when the Richter scale for earthquakes went to 5….

In any case… soon:tm: Florida will mostly be under water. Literally

I think, as a society, we need to admit Atlantis is owed reparations anyways.

Not our fault.

No, we didn't. At no point in any of our presidents' tenures was North Korea a nuclear threat, regardless of how the US or that president was treating them.

That's just patently untrue. They've never been capable of ICBM's but they have nuclear attack subs that Naval ASW sorties have been tracking for years because they can just pull up to the coast and start firing nukes.

In fact submarines are the most realistic nuclear threat we have, the time between launch and detonation is mere minutes compared to the orbital flight time of an ICBM.

Having nukes is not the same as a nuclear threat. India and Pakistan have nukes, but neither are nuclear threats. China has nukes and is not a nuclear threat.

Alright, I'll tell ONI that they're wasting their time keeping tabs on a country with nukes and just enough deranged to potentially try to use them.

North Korea is not a threat and never will be a threat unless attacked. They are just hungry and making a show. Fucking Americans man.....

Hey now, most Americans know NK is not a threat. Just not the dumbass ex president.

I know that, and you know that, but you're talking about a guy that seriously considered nuking a hurricane.

It's like watching Cartman come up with crazier and crazier stories as he takes credit for the fish sticks joke

He might actually believe that himself.

And I'd like to see him in jail as much as the next one, but is this really news? "Colossal narcissist brags about his achievements".

No it's not news, but it's got the orange assholes name in the title so it's going to get clicks and comments

You deserve a medal.

Maybe one of those participation ribbons. Thank you :)

paywalls suck, this site rocks

12ft has been disabled for this site

I haven't seen that site work in a very long time.

I haven't been able to open this site on my phone in a while. It always gives me a repeating captcha that never let's me in

You're using cloudflare as your upstream DNS provider.

There's long standing history where poisons their DNS response to Cloudflare because cloudflare doesn't let them snoop on users using DNS queries.

What type of phone? It's either your phone or your browser. I can access it just fine on my Galaxy S10e

Weird. I'm on an iPhone 14 Pro and it used to work fine but it hasn't in quite a while. It doesn't work in both my in app browser (Safari) nor Firefox (tbf also Safari in the backend). I checked on my desktop and it works there

Trump narrowly averted a nuclear holocaust... by forgetting how the Football works.

They haven't given him the football. It's just a briefcase with an Arduino and some LEDs in it.

The internetfootball doesn't weigh anything, JenMr. President.

We forgot to tell her about the internet!

And friends of mine have said, you are the most honest person in the world.

LMFAO. Does the world have recorded audio or recorded video of any other human being in the history of humanity making more provably false statements than trump? No. If there was a Guinness world record for lying, trump would be the record holder.

Washington couldn't tell a lie

Nixon couldn't tell the truth

Trump couldn't tell the difference

I averted nuclear holocaust because I couldn't remember the codes for it

In this article: lying liar lies.

Ehm, no? Didn't you read the article? Trump knows someone who says he's the most honest person in the world! So obviously he is not lying.

Fun fact: that's not a defense for any of his crimes.

Trump is going to die in federal custody if he doesn't off himself first.

We can only hope, but I have zero trust in the justice system to sentence him to any jail time.

I said custody, not jail time. An ex-president knows too much to be left in General Population.

As long as we don't fuck up & elect a Republican, Trump isn't walking away from 91 felonies. He will die alone under house arrest at a military base.

That's fair, it would be nice if he they gave him just a standard house on a base.

Or a cell?

If the justice system fails to act, won't someone rid me of this meddlesome ex-president?

He could also try running to Russia

Well he's already revealed all the state secrets, so there isn't much risk I suppose.

That didn't work for Manafort. I'm not sure Trump's Secret Security detail would allow that, even if he wasn't under indictment for 91 felonies.

I'm honestly surprised he hasn't gotten the Epstein treatment. Given what he knows, who he works for, amd his absolute inability to control his mouth, the people pulling strings must be concerned about the next thing he might say. I guess they think he might win reelection? I still think the moment he is more dangerous than useful, he has a controlled cardiac event.

I don't think they would care. Would anyone believe him anyway?

Cuz 15-20% of the population believes him more than their own families...just maybe.

Would anyone believe him anyway?

An upsetting amount of people would believe him, unfortunately.

This is not the timeline we want to see. It'd basically validate all the bullshit deep state claims.

I don't want to be a country where politicians fall out of windows.

I don't disagree with you.

But Trump has a long history of obtaining money from international sources. Our reality is not the same as the reality for the rich and powerful, and their reality has different rules. I don't believe there is a "deep state," but I do believe that Trump owes people money and favors, and I believe those people would kill him to keep secrets he could spill. Really the only question is whether they can get to him, given that he has round the clock secret service protections. Before they got to Epstein, I would have believed that a maximum security isolation cell under suicide watch would have been safe.

@bernieecclestoned there’s a guy works down the chip shop, swears he’s Elvis.

But he's a liar and I'm not sure about you!

Thanks for getting a great song stuck in my head.