@[Rafael Lozano-Hemmer](https://tldr.nettime.org/@errafael) has written a "Brief Chronology of Technological Culture in Mexico"

@Rafael Lozano-Hemmer has written a "Brief Chronology of Technological Culture in Mexico"
mentioning Raúl Pavón Sarrelangue's (1928-2008) "Omnifón", a probably half-modular synth he built himself in 1964 in Mexico.

This article positively absurdly on Github, and a feast to read:
Original post on:


#^https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%BAl_Pav%C3%B3n_Sarrelangue (en Español)
appears on "Música Electroacústica Mexicana", a compilation from 1984, with a piece "Fantasía Cósmica". You may find that on #Soulseek, if not anywhere else.
The following article
#^https://rupkatha.com/electroacoustic-music-mexico/ provides even more background, especially on electroacoustic music in Mexico.

If anyone is aware of any more released pieces composed/played with the Omnifón I'd be happy about a hint.

@Synths group @contemporaryMusic group @radicalmusic group @modularsynth group #othermusic #extramusic @diy_instruments group