Post tags and flairs

First off, I apologize if I'm asking something that has been talked about over and over, but I didn't find much relevant information so far (aside from what I will discuss below).

From what I understand, post tags/flairs are a requested feature, but from's comment here, tags are already a thing?

Or does his answer mean that people can use a special syntax (like [foo] or ::bar::) in post titles, which can then be searched like any other token?

Either way, I think it makes sense to allow tags in posts, like mastodon allows #hashtags, if only for the purpose of classification and moderation.

Indeed, I was looking at an eventual way to link to the Jerboa issues on GitHub using GitHub actions and this action, and the main problem I can see with this is the lack of machine-readable marker to differentiate bug reports and issues from the rest of the conversation on the community.

Do Lemmy mods have the permissions to edit a post's title? In which case they could indeed prefix bug reports and issues with [bug] or [issue].