Indies of the Day (6/21/23)

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Well, I ended up repeating the Fyrinnae Convergence Zone + Jo Malone Red Roses experiment and... it was okay. Convergence Zone goes major wet dirt on me, which I don't mind as a smell in general, but I don't know that I want to smell like that myself. The Jo Malone lasts much longer, so after a while that's all that's left. As a mix, it's interesting, but maybe not, like, super great.

Today's perfume is Arcana Coven! I'm in the southern hemisphere, and got it early this year, when it was stinking hot. I liked it then, though it wasn't quite a love. It was rather heavier on the creamy vanilla pumpkin, and didn't have that much spice or atmospheric notes. I liked layering it with alkemia's black tea layering note at the time, since it brightened things up a bit (the LN is surprisingly citrussy).

Now that it's cold here, however, Coven is like a blooming flower tea (if those bloomed better in cold water). Those teas smell and look nice when they're dry, but put them in hot water, and the leaves open up into a beautiful flower shape and release their gorgeous aroma far more. A pretentious metaphor, I know, but what I mean is that in the cold, the depth and complexity of the scent is far more apparent. I get far more of the spice and dry leaves, all wrapped up in cosy creamy vanilla pumpkin and smooth fabric notes. I think this is much more the intended experience, and I'm loving it!

On my nails, I'm wearing bkl the asteri. In most lights it's a Barbie lilac pinkish colour, but I love the surprising colour shifts at different angles! It's super cute :3