Fight me

Training is more important than how you carry.

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I shot USPSA extensively. I still carry hot.

That's nice. I don't really mind if you carry hot. I do to. I'm just bugged by the people who insist you're going to die racking the slide when you can get a round off in barely over a second without one in the chamber. It's not the way you carry, it's the way you train.

IMO while "train more" is an excellent point, it doesn't invalidate the fact that needing to rack the slide in an emergency situation is still a bad idea.

My point still stands, less steps = faster. Carry however you please, but objectively it's faster with one in that chamber.

Objectively with the same amount of training (aka removing training as a variable) one in the chamber is faster than one not.

But it doesn't matter, because it's still not fast enough to draw from the drop, and if you're not drawing from the drop then you have the time to rack the slide.

Less steps = faster. Again objectively one in the chamber is faster. Can you admit that,(with an equal amount of training), that from draw to shot, one in the chamber is faster? Training is important regardless.

Yes, it's faster. But the speed up from 1.2 to .8 is not relevant, because it's still not going to out draw someone who has the drop on you.

To be clear, I carry with one in the chamber. I advocate that others do the same, unless they have some reason not to. I just don't like people claiming there is one and only one way to carry a gun.