Top 5 Short Stories?

Really hard to pick five but these are some of my absolute favorites.

  • The Boogyman
  • The Jaunt
  • I Am the Doorway
  • Rainy Season
  • Survivor Type
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Just off the top of my head:

-The Woman in the Room -Gray Matter -I Am the Doorway -Gramma -Umney's Last Case

honorable mentions: The Ten O'Clock People, The Jaunt, The Gingerbread Girl, A Very Tight Place, Dolan's Cadillac, The End of the Whole Mess

though Night Shift really is a superb collection of stories overall.

Not a short story, but shorter than a full novel: The Long Walk. It's one of his absolute best, in my not at all humble opinion. There has only ever been one story, of any length, that I didn't like and that is Gerald's Game. That one is way too real and could happen, probably has happened.

The Long Walk is incredible, I hope the movie (if they really do it) will do it justice.

I haven't read enough of his short story collections to rank but I'm currently reading Skeleton Crew and am liking a lot of them so far! They're more fantasy than I expected with the right amount of grossness.

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The one with the dad that turned into blob, the one with dying grandma and the one with the guy who kidnapped the kid who waited for his popsy or something.

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Everything's eventual is a great book! And that story you speak of... whew... creepy!