Newsletter 04/28/2023 - Why Is Self-Help Appropriated By Class Enemies?

The past few days I have been in an employment training program. A large amount of this, around one quarter was exclusively dedicated to positive thinking and getting out of a scarcity mindset. While obviously I practice these things, they took it one step further and applied them to the economic situation of people. Emotionally, these things work. They also work in your personal life. But when we realize that the material conditions of society make us wealthy or not wealthy depending on our social class, it does not seem logical to preach self-help ideologies to the masses who are actively oppressed and not allowed to obtain any sort of meaningful wealth in the economic system they were unlucky enough to be born into. Trying to appropriate self help to turn it into employee brainwashing is not subtle at all to those who genuinely understand the ideology and it is even worse when the class enemies such as monarchs or billionaires use it to justify their wealth and label their exploitation of workers as “manifesting money.”

These philosophies are adopted by the masses not because of logic but because of desperation, because in the US especially, there is no support for anyone except what they make for themselves. Even in some third world countries those people have healthcare but the US proletariat is losing in class war so bad that they don’t even have that. Nutritional deficiencies and chronic stress also open people up to Stockholm syndrome and behind sympathizing with billionaires and the US government.