Western Imperialism Does Not Keep Us Safe

How many soldiers of the regime are indoctrinated to the point that they think their servitude in the military is beneficial for the world or even members of their nations? They not only go around the world looting, raping, pillaging and burning down villages but other nationalistic members of society expect you to thank them for their service in an attempt to maintain the collective delusion that these people have done something that benefits us. The US will constantly fight for the wrong side in every military conflict and send its soldiers to defend the worst regimes imaginable.

If terrorism is an issue in the west by the hands of people who have no connection to it, it’s because they went around the world and made so many enemies to begin with. There is a belief in the military that the average person exists just to be tortured and abused by them and they are unable to fight back. This has been proven wrong however as many people in the third world have managed to carry out attacks on U.S. embassies or coordinate attacks on U.S. soil. Even people that the United States funded in the past like their “Anti-Soviet Liberation Hero” Osama Bin Laden eventually turn around and attack The United States. While the middle east is the region that was most devastated by US imperialism, the people of Latin America, Africa, and Asia all have historical grievances against the US regime. Even in Puerto Rico which is occupied to this day, the regime is guilty of mass sterilization and using the entire population of the island as guinea pigs for various products.

Additionally, The US military is a regime that has many dark stains even besides their extensive list of war crimes and atrocities. Rape, war crimes, child soldiers, and torture of their own soldiers. Soldiers of the regime have historically been used to test out chemical weapons and other dangerous substances, except of course when they were just tested on the entire population or minority populations.

So the next time some army recruiter tries to get you to be a footsoldier for this regime, just run the other way.