The Story Of The Romance Potion

There was once a wrathful woman who suffered because her partner had cheated. She went out on dating apps and looked for others who would be willing to be with her, but she was confronted with a cruel man who insulted her. She was enraged, and before thinking she called on The Rose Bunny and asked her for a potion of love that would allow her to strengthen connection to any person she intended. The goddess gave the woman a warning that a romantic attraction could not be forced, but she intended on abusing the potion anyway. She followed the recipe the goddess gave her and made the heart shaped love cookies filled with herbs and things, but rather than using a single drop she poured the entire bottle. She told the cookie that the man who had insulted her on the dating app would fall helplessly in love with her, but she would always reject him. She baked the cookie and took a bite, but quickly realized why it is a bad idea to use love powers as a form of revenge.

When she woke up the next day, the man was standing outside of her door with chocolates, flowers, and a boombox. The woman was cruelly amused and ignored him entirely as she walked to her car. The man stopped her and prevented her from opening the car door which shocked her. He began reciting love poetry while chasing her as she ran back into the house. She locked the door quickly but the man kept screaming about how they were soulmates and that nothing could keep them apart. She ran into the house, but she heard him banging on the door. She was very scared because she lived alone, and she quickly called the police. The man was taken to a mental institution after being questioned, which allowed her to breathe a sigh of relief. She went on with her day as usual and she thought that she was fine, until it was time for her to go to sleep. She turned out the lights, got ready for bed, and laid down for sleep. She was not expecting the kiss on the lips that she received.