Newsletter 04/23/2022 - Sugar Poisoned The World

So many people these days have issues with depression and mental health issues. While not all of these can be linked back to excess sugar in the food supply, major depressive disorder can be connected to high sugar intake and insulin resistance. A lack of energy and a fatigue that lasts all day is most likely the result of your body getting too much sugar which causes it to become resistant to insulin. This would make you eat more, have less energy, and gain weight on top of that. Another sign that your issue is insulin resistance is having more weight on your abdomen section that is difficult to lose.

While there are not many tests to tell you if this is the problem, cutting sugar out of your diet or listening to a healing frequency related to insulin can help you pinpoint whether or not this is what’s going on.

The best way to stay safe from excess processed food and sugar is to make meals from more basic ingredients at least once or twice a day. Oats, Vegetables, Fruit, and Salad are good ways to eat while not ingesting too many extra chemicals. Rice and Potatoes are also basic foods that are less processed than other instant foods.