ITT: We pretend to be mentally disabled. I'll start first with this post (also nuclear warfare is cringe, we should bomb moscow by conventional means)

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If the two options is to either

A: let crazy nuke man have anything he wants


B: launch em or no balls

I'll choose B every time.

Given Russia's rate of fuckups and bombing it's own (native) territory, I'm here to gamble on Putin's potentially glorious self-own.

If it turns out I'm wrong? Well, it's been fun hanging out with ya, fellas o/

Permanently Deleted

Pffffft Russia probably has three functioning ICBM's and someone is buying one off the black market for 500,000 rubles as we speak

500,000 rubles? That's like, what, five bucks at this point?

Who's pretending? I'm basically re[g]arded

Ah yes, nuke, my fellow peace-lover. Let us discuss why Ukraine should give up, because I am also re🅱️arded.

i'd like to nominate this

Looks like a broken link.

<20IQ>Man, Russia will sweep up the country in weeks, trust me! \

Komrade, you misspelled 200IQ.