Autistic Shitpost memes allowed?

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I miss r/aspiememes. A lot.

Try c/autisticandadhd on

(shameless advertisement, please contribute, I am still (almost) the only person making posts and I am starting to run out of good memes for either)

I'm shit at making posts. But I can recommend stealing copying content from reddit.

I miss the comuity more than anything they were just perfect I still have hope to fine them all one day




Permanently Deleted

Why must I chase the cat?

Why must you shit on the floor?

Sounds cutely erotic also.

More posts like this, thanks.


The "dawg in me".

Oh fuck off no, go to therapy

I thought that was being a furry.

I did a reverse image search and I guess the meme started out with Bi-Polar where it's covered over with Autism, but yeah man a lot of furries do be autistic 🤪

Can confirm. Am autistic and a furry.