What's the real goal of neurology?

Nazi scientists used to poke around people's brains looking for ways to claim that dark-skinned people are inferior and justify treating them like dirt.

Today our scientists are poking around people's brains looking for ways to claim that teenagers are inferior and justify treating them like dirt.

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Neurologists perform brain and spine surgery as well as treat life threatening diseases like meningitis... This is the stupidest false dichotomy I have ever seen.

and they also provide lots of fodder for bigots

Ohhhhhhhkay, nvm.After looking at your profile, I see you have quite a few handicaps. Just as a side note: someone disagreeing with you on the internet makes them neither a Nazi nor a bigot.

bla bla bla. go annoy someone else.

To find out why my mother has debilitating migraines that can be bad enough to push her to thinking about kicking the bucket. Without Neurology, she most likely wouldn't be here or have any treatments to help. Even seizure sufferers wouldn't have help since a lot of the time it has to do with the brain.

They aren't searching for ways to justify treating people like dirt, humans just do that.