Blinder needs that double income. Get to work, wife!

Wife cant break into tech and that depresses me

I am coaching my wife to getting into tech. She cant seem to find a job after bootcamp in this market. Meanwhile other dudes whose TC are much less than me are doing much better financially because their household income is more than mine. I work way too much and its unsustainable . I dont blame my wife but I am depressed

The only difference is their wives started bootcamp earlier and 2021 companies were hiring any one that has a pulse, we missed the boat

It almost seems like whether you succeed financially in Bay Area solely depends on you have double tech incomes. Might need to get out of this place.

TC 540k

PS: a lot of you are fixated on the 540k. i already said I cant keep this work up, will try to get something with less stress and less pay soon

(For reference: yes, the Bay Area is expensive, but people do manage to live here quite comfortably with even half that income.)