On a scale of 1-10, how buggy do you think Starfield will be on release?

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If anyone thinks Bethesda is releasing a game with a bug rating any less than 8, they're deluding themselves. That's always been Bethesda's modus operandi - release barely functional game, almost make it semi-functional 2 years after release and then hope that modders do the rest

I generally agree with you but they've never had Microsoft throw so much money and resources at a game before launch. I give this one a 7.


Probably 6/10 or so

I didn't expect such a quick response

I always found the legendary bug ratio of Bethesda games way overrated. True, there were always bugs but not nearly as many as the legend says.

And many of them are funny bugs, not like falling through the ground in the middle of a hardcore playthrough, wiping out a 50 hour save.

Also, many bugs are mod-related so it's hard to account for those.

2077 out of 10.

Solid 10. It'll make the canvas bag fiasco look like a beach episode.

My guess is Bethesda/10

Probably a worse shitshow than Fallout 76. Even if I still had a PC I wouldn't bother buying the game until (at least) 6 months after release.

F76 was an utter shitshow but the bugs were only the third most important reason for this. Second was that its design was utter shit multi trash riding on online-only psychosis ruling back then. And first was that after this many years it was not an Elder Scrolls 6.

And in fact, Starfield is their first actual RPG since Fallout4 and considering how shit as RPG that was, since Skyrim. For me it will be most likely harsh critique so soon after the amazing real RPG that is Baldur 3 (i still prefer exploring empty planets to... building base 🤮 🤮 🤮 F4 really fucking blew it )

Isn’t one of the major draws from Bethesda games their glitches though? Not all of them of course, and some are gamebreaking, but the majority are goofy, fun, and add to the memorability.

Plus if they give a damn, I feel like any major game breaking bugs will be patched in under a week-2 months.

The major draw, at least on PC, will always be the modding community. Glitches are a staple but they get old fast, the reason skyrim and fallout 4 are still being played by so many today is because the community keeps making great content.

It's gonna be on Cyberpunk levels of buggy.

8-9. I am normally not so skeptical, but Bethesda has a track record of releasing games that I would personally not even consider to be playable.

I understand why it happens, given the scope of their games (Though Larian may have something to say about doing that well), but it's still pretty inevitable the game will be pretty busted for at least a few months.

If they had gone the route of doing an extensive EA period that let them get bugs in hand? Maybe different, but a Bethesda open world RPG released straight to retail is just going to be a mess.

I think probably like a 7 or 8. No idea if it's true or not but there was that leak at the beginning of the year that said Redfall and Starfield were both delayed because they were in pretty rough shape, and they were right about Redfall so that doesn't really bode well.

I'd say at least 8/10.. It's a Bethesda game after all..

You play Bethesda games at launch because of the bugs or because you got on the hype.

10 for sure. I really don't understand how toxic Xbox fans still think this game is going to be polished from day 1 lol


What kind of metric system of grading is this🤣

Oh come on, that meme is that old



Is "over 9000" still an acceptable answer or has that jumped the shark?

realistically it will be an 8. barely playable and crash after an hour.

I don't recommend pre-ordering it.

I wasn't planning on doing so

I wouldn't recommend pre-ordering any game. Way too many companies release buggy shit day 1. I say at least wait one day to see some first impressions before trusting any game.