[ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex for Roku Version Available - 7.6.1

PUBLIC - Version 7.6.1

Platform: Roku


  • Remove option to sign-in using a code (Roku cert requirement 2.2).


  • Add possible fix for delayed audio sync after seeking.
  • Make next/previous post play items selectable when returning from screensaver.
  • Remove “releasing” date from Live TV details screen.
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I’ll have to check my version when I get home. I’ve been having sudden issues with my roku. The last few days audio is out of sync.

Last night I started a show on my FireTV and it was fine. Switched to a roku and it was off. Forced a transcode and audio was good again.

I just switched to the Roku in my TV (which I never use, as I use an ATV), and it seems to work fine on the latest version. No audio sync issues for me!

I haven’t been able to mail down what is specifically causing it. Might be a certain file type.

I’ll keep poking at it.

well, if you notice what it is, let me know, and I’ll try to reproduce it. also, try dumping your Plex logs into a pastebin, and link it here. I’ll try taking a look.

set log level to “Debug” in serve settings and play something where the audio lags.

Dumb question. Where is that log level setting?

Settings > General

make sure to disable it after playback, or the logs will get enormous

Interesting about the code. Not allowed on Roku?

Yeah, wait... That sucks. Then again, I want to ditch my Roku ASAP. Tired of the ads. The shield is a much better option.

that does suck. I don’t use the one built into my TV, and use an ATV instead. I love it!

I never notice the ads. Always surprised when people mention them. They are there I guess?

Why is it better? How does it improve on the Roku version when connected to a TV?