Analysis on the Socialist Republic of Romania’s economy from the 1940s to 1977

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While technically this comes from an antisocialist source, it’s also a rare example of presumed antisocialists (or perhaps simply nonsocialists) reporting on a people’s republic in a mature, sophisticated, and honest manner. For example, rather than immediately attributing some weakness in the economy to ‘socialism’ or ‘planned economy’:

Although the development strategy has emphasized self-sufficiency as much as possible, Romania is too small and not endowed with enough natural resources to be totally self-sufficient.

Steady gains have not been made in production, however, because of annual fluctuations in rainfall.

I have only read fifty pages so far, but this book looks good:

The quantitative technical basis for Romanian planning is provided primarily by two research institutes under the SPC. The first of these, the Institute of Planning and Prognosis, is concerned with overall planning methodology and long-term forecasting techniques. The other, the Computer and Cybernetics Center for Planning, does all the computations connected with the plans and develops the sectoral models that form the basis of the sectoral plans. The models can be divided into three categories:

(a) Models for long-term projections, covering 1976-90, with extensions up to 2000;
(b) Medium-term models, focusing on the five-year plan;
(c) Sector models for important sectors of the economy.