Fast OCR to clipboard

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Fast OCR to clipboard

<h1 id="just-give-me-the-text">Just give me the text</h1> <p>I wanted to share a surprisingly elegant solution I found to copying text into the clipboard where for one reason or another it's otherwise not possible.</p> <pre data-lang="bash" style="background-color:#2e3440;color:#d8dee9;" class="language-bash "><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span style="color:#88c0d0;">flameshot</span><span> gui --raw </span><span style="color:#81a1c1;">\ </span><span> </span><span style="color:#81a1c1;">| </span><span style="color:#88c0d0;">tesseract</span><span> stdin stdout -l eng </span><span style="color:#81a1c1;">\ </span><span> </span><span style="color:#81a1c1;">| </span><span style="color:#88c0d0;">xclip</span><span> -in -selection clipboard </span></code></pre>

I wanted to share a surprisingly elegant solution I found to copying text into the clipboard where for one reason or another it's otherwise not possible.

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This is gorgeous, I've used flame shot for years, and constantly use xclip, never once thought about sticking OCR in the middle.

Awesome stuff.

Thanks for this!!

I just realized I can use the following command to OCR a bitmap in the clipboard and put the text back into the clipboard.

xclip -out -selection clipboard -t image/bmp
| tesseract stdin stdout -l eng
| xclip -in -selection clipboard

This works in my linux VM (in Virtualbox on my work laptop) using bi-directional shared clipboard without touching my Windows software.

Mind blown!!

Holler holler get doller. Thank you very much. Now I just need a way to use a custom image host.