1. Re-establish The Stasi. The Stasi or ministry of state security in German was the most advanced intelligence agency in the Soviet-aligned states. They employed many people, and provided support to Palestine while making class enemies disappear. Bringing back the Stasi in the modern era would give the masses a clandestine organization that supports their class interests, and would help provide meaningful employment to thousands of comrades.

  2. An LGBT constitution. The GDR radically transformed gender roles and provided constitutional rights to those in the LGBT community. Gay marriage was legalized while West Germany continued the persecution of those people up until 1994. Women were also more equal than even most western countries now. The pay gap was fixed, and women in the GDR were put into positions of judges, mayors, and other important positions while the numbers were miniscule in capitalistic societies. Even in modern America there exist more barriers for women to highly skilled jobs than East Germany. Additionally, divorce was free and simple which gave women freedom to leave relationships easily.

  3. Human rights in the GDR were exceptional especially for the rights to abortion and contraceptives. The GDR provided free abortions to all women while other western states still live under theocratic and fundamentalist ideologies that prevent women from obtaining abortions even when they are paid for. Seeing an advanced civilization such as the GDR destroyed is catastrophic for women who are property of men all around the world.

  4. Landlordism, Exploitation, and homelessness were very small issues in the GDR. The fall of the Berlin wall saw class enemies steal the homes of East Germans and put them on the street. The means of production were privatized by parasites wanting to profit off the labor of the masses, and all economic security the masses had came crashing down as their needs and necessities became methods of profit by class enemies. Thousands of citizens with no homes or jobs would later compose the least prosperous region of modern Germany. This is all blamed on the socialist system by class enemies and those who want to justify the enslavement and occupation of the GDR and its people, but this could all be solved once again with the rebuilding of the Berlin wall!