Today on "But I neeeed a car for heavy items" - a literal boat anchor

10kg of bruce anchor and 20kg of anchor chain and warp. It's easier with a bike because our harbour is drying and I can cycle out to the boat at low tide and not have to lug all this stuff all the way back to the car!

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I remember driving home from the supermarket with my bike, with four cases of drinks (soda, water) and a week worth of shopping. Most of the road was about flat, but the final piece uphill was a pain in the ass...

Epic cargo did you notice the weight much?

A little bit - there were one or two gradients to negotiate, but it wasn't too bad - just had to use a lower gear.

Today on "Please stroke my ego for me because I like to ride a bike"

Reddit negativity is spreading :(

seen the down-vote no comment crew appearing on some communities too :(

Please do! Thank you.

Check the instance/community this was posted to, this sort of post is the reason it exsists :D