Is there a way to disable haptic feedback?

Somewhere within the last few updates, it seems that haptic feedback has been added to whenever you swipe over a post.

I know a lot of Apple users were asking for this, but I really don't like it as an Android user who doesn't have haptic feedback for apps normally. It's annoying for my phone to be vibrating every 2 seconds when I'm doing things. Is there no option to turn it off?

Thanks! Loving the work you guys do!

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Wait. How do I activate haptic feedback?

I wish I could tell you so I could turn it off lol. It happened around version 1 for me, but I can't exactly be sure of which version number. I'm also on Android if it helps.

I’m iOS no vibrations for me…

Ios safari doesn’t support the vibration api.

So it’s only android… I’ve more reason to make a IPK app

Same! It really threw me off first few times I upvoted stuff.

I would also like to know this!


I hope they'll add a toggle switch in the settings to enable/disable haptic feedback.

No feedback here on Android... I wish. I am on 1.0.1

What browser are you on? I have haptics on vanadium (chromium) and none on fennec (firefox)

Yeah, it's not an android or ios thing for me. I just dislike the feature. Hell, vibration on keyboards always felt stupid to me, and this is just an extension of that in my mind.

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to insinuate that all iOS users wanted it. I just kept seeing it requested over and over again from the Apollo crowd as I think it was a feature you could enable in that app.

I don't have haptic feedback from Voyager on Android either, im using Firefox. I would guess there might be somewhere in the browser settings, or in device settings to turn off all haptic feedback.

I have it on chromium

Yeah I was kinda guessing it was a browser difference. If you can't find a browser or device setting and really can't stand it you can just switch to Firefox or some other browser.

Huh, so they really implemented it!

I can't say I'm a fan of it, but it doesn't annoy me, I was just confused that suddenly I got haptic feedback in the Android webapp lol.