Obama Calls for 'Digital Fingerprints' to Help Censor 'Misinformation' Online

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Obama Calls for 'Digital Fingerprints' to Help Censor 'Misinformation' Online


Former President Barack Obama has called for "digital fingerprints" to be mandatory online to help authorities censor so-called "misinformation."

Obama Calls for 'Digital Fingerprints' to Help Censor 'Misinformation' Online
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seeing a lot of upvotes here and thats understandable because kneejerk reactions are fun, but there is literally zero information in the article.

if I were to try and fill in the blanks (cuz the article is full of them), I would say that Obama is calling for a way to verify orginal content of data and date. easily done and has zero privacy implications for a publishing author and likely neither the content consumer. as a validation/verification technique, it also has minimal effects on censorship - at the risk of info without validation data becoming second class.

the idea of widespread sign(hash(content+timestamp)) is an interesting one worth discussing. the OP article, however, is just plain bad.

a clearly biased story from a clearly biased site. be careful out there, people.

Feels like the old days of reddit and imgur when sketchy news sites were commonly posted

yup. one of the things that I would gladly have left behind on reddit. but oh well. keep your guard up and your wits about you.

Are you thinking the quotes are not correctly attributed?

no clue on the quotes.

as I stated in a different thread, the issue with the article is its low-information with a lot of nebulous "scary" words and obvious political biases. the parent site is even worse (imho).

take from the article what you will, but it offers no attempt at clarification and is instead basically a very poor opinion piece masquerading as news.

thats my take. yours may be different.

Don't we already have that in the form of PKI? (Think TLS certificates, PGP/GPG keys, SSH keys, et al)

If someone's posts, articles, videos, interview recordings, etc. were signed with the author's private key, then we could all verify it with their public key.

Of course, there's a technical barrier to overcome but I imagine it would be the same with whatever Obama's proposing here.

hash content + timestamp and sign the resulting hash.

the issue with the article is its low-information with a lot of nebulous "scary" words and obvious political biases. the parent site is even worse (imho).

'Member when former presidents just faded away and lived out their days at their retirement estates?

I miss those days.

In all seriousness, the only thing that would be accomplished here is to track American citizens. Obama/Clinton's message was clear: Russia was the source of all the fake news.

Obama could shut up.