Why You Don't Need Freedom Of Speech Under Communism

In America it is a cultural thing that “I have freedom of speech, I need to defend my freedom of speech.” The thing is though, allowing people freedom to say things that benefit bourgeois interests such as advocating capitalism, fascism, monarchism, libertarianism or other dangerous evil ideologies will inevitably go against the interests of our class. Class enemies should not be allowed any freedom, and they should never have the chance to dismantle the proletarian dictatorship in any state that we have control over.

Aside from this whole non-issue being seen as a big deal by those who place importance on amendment rights, what can we expect if we allow class enemies to have freedom of speech? “My father owned that house so I should be able to exploit and charge the occupants money.” “The communist party took away my generational wealth and won’t let me exploit workers to make more. I should be compensated.” In reality, The communist party would not be censoring any kind of discourse or speech that has cultural, artistic, or literary value. If you really allowed freedom of speech to the parasites of society, you would just be inviting anti-proletarian ideas and propaganda to take over discourse.

If you were assigned a home by the state to live in for free, and some ex-landlord advocated it be taken from you or you should be charged a fee for staying there, I am sure you would loosen up on your liberal values from the outrage. From this point of view, why would you ever want these people to have the power to advocate something like that? Those who are wealthy under the current system are the ones who feel that same urge to suppress revolutionary thoughts, ideas, and actions. They know their social class and they fight for the interest of their class. Do you do the same? Are you reading this and feeling sympathy for those poor innocent landlords and millionaires, or are you ready to put your working class people in charge?