Propagandize. Disrupt media narratives, spread pro-worker ideology in workplaces, online spaces, and in places where the masses are exploited and/or oppressed. Counter CIA propaganda against the movement and be a model for those in the community while upholding socialism. This is what most online MLs are doing, and that is valid because it can reach many people. Keep in mind to propagandize outside of your set spaces in order to allow worker ideology to spread throughout the larger population of the country. Once there is a decent amount of socialists in your community, move to step 2.

Organize. Form a group and read theory. Tendency or ideology does not matter as long as it’s left-wing enough. Even ideological tendencies such as Maoism, Trotskyism are acceptable for this purpose because ideological errors on any side will be corrected through practice. Unique ideological tendencies specific to your nation will eventually form through diligent practice. Communists make allies with the community through helping people, giving food to the hungry, and being generally helpful to the masses. Once you achieve significant public support, go on to step 3.

Mobilize. Begin weaponizing, training, and keeping yourself in decent physical shape for the upcoming civil war. Do not worry about leadership or anything outside of the group because modern civil wars are fought by many separate insurgent groups of similar ideologies working together. Do not wait for any outside socialist leader to order commands. It is possible for your insurgent group to join with ideologically compatible groups but you must decide strategically if this is the best path to take for your people at the time. Before an insurgency, your revolutionary group can serve as an alternative to the police providing help and security to your community.

Propagandize, Organize, Mobilize.