is voyager app in the works?

Your implementation of PWA is the best I have ever seen. However I feel that the experience could be better thru an app.

Is this in your roadmap for voyager?

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Not an app dev, but I imagine that the difference between developing a web app and a native app is quite huge, you'd be better off waiting for other native apps.

I am NOT the developer but I read in another thread that he considers it a possibility but he was not talking about a roadmap or some specific timeline.

I remember I saw that thread too

As of last statement that I’ve heard. The answer is basically no. With the web app they can develop it from any browser regardless of o/s. Developing for an app requires one for iOS and one for android. Plus other expenses on top of that.

Don't wait voyager is great i hope they don't waste time trying to get on play store with a native app and just release it on github