Nikon's newest ad campaign by Circus Grey Peru (also sry for "ad", context for why this is here is in the body text)

This post itself is not an ad for Nikon nor is it an anti-AI post. I do like ai. I also like how Circus Grey Peru and Nikon put a genius twist on it for a company that sells devices to capture reality as it is.

The campaign features real images from various places around the world overlaid with an image generation prompt that could be used to create a similar looking image. There is also information about the real life location of where the photo was taken in the bottom left corner and a text reading "Don't give up on the real world" in the bottom right.

I normally don't want to post any kinds of ads here because fuck ads (even if they're technically good media). So this post will very likely be the only "ad" post here, because I also want to know what you think about the topic.

Also most ads these days are hot fucking garbage so they aren't worth posting anyway.