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I always try to piece together what was said with the few pieces of info that did sink in. It's like a little mystery I have to solve.

One of my coworkers who's more in the hyperactive side didn't understand why I could do well on tests in school, but the thing is they're puzzles, and puzzles are fun.

Until they're not, and you realize you spent 30 minutes thinking about the HRE.

I made it work. When I'm called out, I go like: "Actually, there is a crucial aspect about point X (10 minutes ago) that we just skipped: ..." and it makes me seem thoughtful and thorough.

"I totally got away with that"

Narrator: they did not get away with it

My man!

Slow down!

Right? I mean, yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh

I will just ask folks to go through the last part again. Most at least in a business setting are ok with it from my experience.

Neurotypicals do the same but pretend to have listened. They didnt listen while listening, its strange

It's why there are words for hearing and listening. Yeah, I heard you, but I wasn't listening

I gave up responding to your point. Every time: "What was it again?" Look up, didn't read your comment while reading, again, when I want to start writing, blank, repeat.

Edit: I'm so sure, i had something for that

The difference: when it happens to me, it's completely involuntary. They are choosing to be somewhere else in their head.

True. Choice is a thing. Control over the brain.
