The legal court room drama, ive been dreaming of...

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I love how there's a throwaway line in Shin Ultraman where a government guy offhandedly says, "and for some reason all of the giant monsters only attack Japan!" during a conversation about other countries helping them.

He knew it would create Godzilla anime titties!

Titans predates modern humanity don't they? Didn't he rock up in cave paintings.

Nuclear fission also predates humans tho, checkmake Godzillathiests!

In the current iteration, yes. Originally it was about how nuclear weapons fucked up Japan real good.

Yeah originally Godzilla was a metaphor for how the Bikini Atoll nuke tests fucked up Japan's food supply by killing all the fish.

I think it depends.

There are many interations.

I have become Godzilla, destroyer of Tokyo


Come on guys, you can formulate your questions better.

Colossal Nude Oppenheimer Vs Mothra