Papirtyper rangeret efter sandsynlighed for paper cut

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Paper types ranked by likelihood of paper cuts

Via testing with a skin stand-in, a trio of physicists at Technical University of Denmark has ranked the types of paper that are the most likely to cause a paper cut. In an article published in Physical Review E, Sif Fink Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Matthew Biviano and Kaare Jensen tested the cutting ability and circumstances involved in paper cuts to compile their rankings.

Paper types ranked by likelihood of paper cuts

Gennem tests med en hud stand-in har en trio af fysikere fra Danmarks Tekniske Universitet rangeret de typer papir, der har størst sandsynlighed for at give paper cut. I en artikel offentliggjort i Physical Review E har Sif Fink Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Matthew Biviano og Kaare Jensen testet skæreevnen og omstændighederne involveret i paper cuts for at sammensætte deres rangliste.

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