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The plural is "Chinese Cartoons" duh

Go play with your Legos, child.

Ahem… Lego bricks or Lego sets

Excuse me, is that linguistic prescriptivism?

Worse: corporate prescriptivism.

Listen here, Zac. The meme is addressed to "Mom", a representative parental figure of - let's assume - Gen X. Now, Gen X was not really into anime, which is the butt of the joke. They weren't a bunch of weebs and probably also refer to group of the Japanese warrior class as 'samurais'. HOWEVER, they called lots of little bricks 'lego'. It was Millennials that started calling them 'legos'.

So, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.

Reminds me how adults pronounced manga when I was in school. "Mang-ha". Ugh.

Shut it ya dum sheeps dog!