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What does it do with them?

Besides be all like


I wonder why this one's antennae are curled. Most pictures show them straight.

Here's one I photographed a year ago

What a lovely fellow he’s waving at you :3

He seemed very jolly. He was preening his antennae, folding them over his hands and wiping them off. Very fun to watch

He's gay

Chemicals in the grass turning our fricken beetles gay!

I'd feel happy with those on my head too

Might not be a live specimen

Or one that's just emerged from its pupa(?)

Disclaimer: I know nothing about the lifecycle of glow worms

Tim Burton is the most Glowworm Beetle director I've ever seen.

Anyone else do a double-take at that thumbnail while quickly scrolling?



Alrighty then, carry on

Oh good it’s not just me. I was worried I would have to bonk myself.


As I said in another reply, two words... threadbare merkin.

Threadbare Merkin would be an excellent band name!

I opened expecting something else, not going to lie. But it's a nice little bug.

Just got her lashes did.

....that thumbnail was very misleading

I'm failing to see whatever it is you see, though I clicked through to the full size picture before looking at the thumbnail, so my view of the thumbnail was influenced by having seen the full size picture

I don't have thumbnails set on my phone so I only ever saw the full image. That said, I looked at it without my glasses with my arm outstretched and I'm going to guess they saw either buttcrack or titcleft

A threadbare merkin

It's gotta have great reception

When you hear radio playing at night and you wake up and see this.

Or Dr. Seuss.

More specifically - this is the most Helena Bonham Carter in a Tim Burton movie... etc

why does it have curly tim burton antennae?

Increased surface area. Only male glowworms metamorphose into adult forms and they use their feathery antennae to track females down by their pheromones. Increased antenna surface area helps them pick up those pheromones.

dont get dimmer