Wroom 32 + Core1262-868M

I read through the Meshtastic firmware code and found the file variant.h for the Meshtastic-DIY-v1_1 build. Notice it’s not the DIY-v1. Instead v1_1. My understanding from that file is that I should be able to wire the following:

ESP32 WROOM-32 dev Pin,Core1262-868M Pin,Function

3V3,VCC,Power (3.3V)


18,SCK,SPI Clock

19,MISO,SPI Data In

23,MOSI,SPI Data Out

5,CS,SPI Chip Select

33,DIO1,LoRa IRQ


27,RESET,LoRa Reset

14,RXEN,RF switch RX control

13,TXEN,RF switch TX control

Unfortunately after building out the DIY_v1_1 firmware, wiring it up and flashing it I get thrown into a boot loop only after setting the region.

I will provide logs once I’m able to do so, just wanted to submit this while I had time. I’m curious if I was misunderstanding the compatibility with a Core1262-868M or if anyone has any tips. Thanks.

Update : I have it working